There will be a lot of firsts, not just for Emily but for the entire family. The biggest of the first or the FIRST first will be Emily's first time on a plane ever and it's hers and our first international flight as a family. I will provide the update in the Parenting blog on how she did overall since we stil have a couple of places to go.
Our first flight as a family on the Hello Kitty Plane!
First stop will be Taipei, Taiwan. We are visiting AiLin's family because her cousin is getting married. It will be Emily's first time being part of a wedding. It will be her first Tea Ceremony.
Today we visited Taipei 101 Observatory. It is not the tallest building in the world but it is the tallest greenest building in the world. The trip from floor 5 to 89 took around 50 seconds so this is the first time Emily has been in an elevator that fast and she did not react to the elevation/pressure change!!!
But before the Taipei building we had the best soup dumpling I have ever had at Din Tai Fung. The last soup dumpling I had was from New York City at Joe Shanghai in ChinaTown, this one was better.
Emily infront of Din Tai Fung. We took this picture and everyone else started following suit.
I'm a giant with a building behind me.
To get to Taipei 101 we had to get on a subway and this is the first time that she road on a subway.
Subway not too impressed.
Maybe future gymnast?
Tomorrow is the wedding so that'll be another first that I'll write about.