Who We Are
Hello and welcome to our site!
We are AiLin and Marjo, who are still new to this parenting world.
For quite some time now Marjo have toying with the idea of putting his random thoughts on a blog, a way to clear/organize his cluttered mind, but being first time parent got in the way.
Then it dawned on us, aside from random thoughts why not add the interesting experiences of being new parents? It will be a good way to share our experiences but also get advice from the veteran parents out there.
This site will also be a good way to keep in touch with our friends and family. We know our parents would like to see how their grandchild is doing, so we will share a lot about our daughter. Hopefully it will be an easier way for our parents to navigate through the site.
““Family is the people in your life that wants you to be in theirs. They are the ones that would love you NO MATTER WHAT!””
Emily's first Chinese Wedding.